Asbestos Removal

Safe Removal and Legal Disposal of Asbestos in Birmingham & Nearby.

1 – Emergency Asbestos Removal within 3 working days

2 – Complementary Survey by Fully-Trained Team to find further Asbestos

3 –  Independent Inspection & Certification for full confidence.

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Your Trusted Asbestos Removal Company

All team members complete regular training for asbestos awareness and removal. Many clients contact us for safe asbestos roof removal as part of demolition work. We carry out all removal and disposal work in line with HSE standards

NB: Please Do Not Attempt To Remove Asbestos Yourself

When disturbed or broken, asbestos fibres fly into the air. They are easily inhaled and do not break down in the body, causing long-term lung damage, lung cancer and more.

More information on Asbestos Health Risks

Trained asbestos removal companies will carry out removal safely and responsibly.

Further Information on the Removal of Asbestos

All types of asbestos are known to cause extreme health issues after long-term exposure. They were widely used before bans introduced in 1996 & 1999.

Any exposure is hazardous, and it is important to remove all types of asbestos:

Blue Asbestos (Crocidolite): found in steam engine insulation, pipe insulation, plastic, and cement products (highest risk)

Brown Asbestos (Amosite): found in cement sheets, roofing, piping, insulation boards, ceiling tiles.

Chrysotile: found in roofs, ceilings, walls, floors, car brake linings, gaskets and boiler seals, and pipe insulation.

Anthophyllite asbestos: found in cement and insulation materials (less common).

No amount of asbestos is considered safe, so do not delay action.

  • Stop work immediately and get everyone to leave the area.
  • Do not return without wearing Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) that covers clothes and hair, and Respiratory Protection Equipment (RPE) such as a heavy-duty facemask.
  • Inform everyone who may have been exposed, such as residents, people regularly using the space or contractors.
  • Identify the source of the asbestos.
  • Inform the building owner. If you are the building owner, contact Asbestos Removal Services.

Asbestos removal should only be carried out by trained operatives.

  1. We conduct a full survey to identify all asbestos present. From this, we put together a risk assessment and removal plan.
  2. In high-risk cases, we use a licensed subcontractor to support the removal. High-risk asbestos removal includes asbestos insulation boards, coatings or loose filling insulation.
  3. We inform all relevant authorities and manage all communications.
  4. We seal the area using polythene and timber to create an airtight space and contain any asbestos fibres in the air.
  5. We treat the air with specialist sprays, causing fibres to fall to the floor.
  6. We vacuum and seal contaminated materials in specialist waste sacks, and label them to deliver to a licensed asbestos disposal site.
  7. We clean all surfaces and decontaminate ourselves and our tools.
  8. An independent inspection of the site ensures there is no remaining asbestos.
  9. Finally, we test the air to ensure no fibres remain, dismantle the polythene enclosure and pass on certification to the property owner.

Safe and Comprehensive Removal

PBM employees complete annual asbestos removal and awareness training for non-licensable materials.

We remove asbestos as standalone jobs and as part of wider demolition projects across the West Midlands, in line with HSE Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012.

As a family-run business, we value safety. Do not delay contacting asbestos removal companies. It is not worth risking exposure for any amount of time, so if you find asbestos, leave immediately.

Asbestos Roof Removal In Birmingham and West Midlands

Many older factory buildings and outbuildings with asbestos roofs remain in Birmingham and the surrounding counties. During redevelopment throughout the area, we manage many demolitions and site remediation projects which require asbestos removal. 

Asbestos roofs must be treated with care to avoid health impacts for workers and residents. In cases where materials are licensable, we work with HSE-licensed sub-contractors.